


莫斯科,ID 83843


电子邮件: ssilflow@ysjlp.com




Each use of a U of I trademark requires approval. Approval to use a trademark for a one-time application only (i.e. on a t-shirt) does not constitute approval to use the trademark again, or in connection with any other item, 或者以任何方式改变设计.

University trademarks may not be altered in any way.

未经任何其他实体的事先书面许可,不得将U of I商标与该实体的名称或商标一起使用. 如果在设计中同时使用U of I商标和另一方的商标,则得到国际标准化组织的许可, the trademarks must be distinct and separate from each other, 与其他实体的商标相比,U of I的商标不得以任何方式被遮蔽或削弱. 批准任何此类双重使用的U或I商标将仅限于在允许此类使用的令人信服的机构优先事项的情况下.

U of I商标不得以任何方式使用,暗示或暗示U of I对其他组织的认可, 公司, 产品, 服务, 政党或观点, or religious organizations or beliefs.

U of I商标不得以任何歧视或暗示歧视任何基于种族的个人或群体的方式使用, color, 信条, 宗教, 国家的起源, 公民身份, 性, 年龄, 婚姻状况, 性取向, 残疾或军人身份或任何其他违反爱达荷州非歧视政策或做法的行为.

在商业产品上使用大学商标的所有用途都将包含适当的商标指定符号. 在某些情况下,允许使用指示性声明代替注册标志. 大学院系在印刷品中使用商标的,不需要注册标志. Exemptions to this policy on other university items will be made on a case-by-case basis.

The UITL will not approve the use of its trademarks on certain types of 产品. These include, but are not limited to the following

  • Stationery — business-size, letterhead paper
  • Inherently Dangerous Products — such as firearms, explosives and fuels.
  • 烟草相关产品;
  • 非法毒品相关产品;
  • Obscene or Disparaging Products — including, 但不限于, 裸体照片, 具有讽刺意味的海报艺术或设计,可能会损害大学的声誉或降低其商标所代表的商誉;
  • Sexually Suggestive Products — including, 但不限于, inappropriate slogans imprinted on clothing and the configuration of certain novelty items;
  • Products that present an unacceptable risk of liability;
  • Products that are harmful to the mission or im年龄 of U of I.

  • 大学的商标可以用在出版物的封面或文本中,当有关于大学的文章时, 其军官, 学生或校友.
  • University marks may be used in sports publications approved by U of I 体育运动 or designee, 前提是出版商同意在出版物中包含以下免责声明:“不是欧洲杯买球的官方出版物”
  • 大学标志可以用在文学作品中,这些文学作品通常提供关于大学的历史信息,并促进大学的商誉. 商标可以在适当的机构官员审查后,通过许可信获得使用许可, 包括uml.
  • Schedule cards or posters that include U of I’s name, 但没有商标或标语, are not subject to licensing fees and are considered for informational use.

在广告中使用大学的商标需要事先获得国际大学联盟的批准(除非另有说明). U of I trademarks may, with approval by UITL, be used in the following kinds of advertising:

  • By a commercial entity that is a licensee of U of I, 但只有当有一个相关的潜在产品被授权时,并且只有当授权产品正在做广告时(通过许可协议授予批准). 零售商或许可制造商可以在广告中使用带有大学标志的许可产品的图片进行销售.
  • 商业实体在具有信息、祝贺或团队精神性质的广告中使用. 这些广告可能不包含招揽销售其产品或服务,但可能会出现公司名称/标志.
  • In corporate advertisements in official programs sold or distributed at athletic events, subject to terms of an 广告 Agreement.
  • In promotional activities pursuant to the terms of a Sponsor/Promotional License Agreement. 促销活动是诸如广告或提供促销产品以促进增长的活动, 发展, acceptance and/or sale of goods or 服务.
  • By 公司 that have done work for U of I. The company may list the university name with other customers. These 公司 may include photographs of the actual work area, provided the campus department who contracted the work approves of such use.

某些艺术作品或设计将不被批准与伊利诺伊大学的商标一起使用. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Art depicting or implying the use or endorsement of
    • 非法毒品
    • 烟草制品
    • 火器或其他武器
    • Racist, 性ist, hateful, demeaning or degrading langu年龄 or statements
    • 不敬的言语
    • 性行为
    • Statements impugning other universities
  • Art or a design which gives the impression of being the official university seal
  • Art or a design incorporating trademarks or copyrights not owned by U of I, unless written permission for such use, satisfactory in form and substance to U of I, 是从商标持有人或版权拥有人处取得,并经国际图联或其代理人事先批准

Use of University trademarks by high schools, middle schools and elementary schools will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Such use must be licensed with a written agreement in place between the two parties.

不隶属于university of I的组织对university of I商标的使用将根据具体情况进行审查. The following guidelines generally apply:

  • 企业 may use U of I trademarks in a non-permanent fixture (e.g., window painting, removable lettering on marquees) supporting a university event. 该等展示不得包含招揽销售其产品或服务的内容,但可能会出现公司名称/标志.
  • 企业不得建立永久的雕像或壁画,包括伊利诺伊大学的商标或肖像未经书面许可.
  • 企业, 未经国际大学书面许可,个人或组织不得在网站上使用国际大学的商标.
  • 个人或组织不得将大学的商标与政治职位候选人或政策/立法问题结合使用.
  • 除了在大学许可计划之前建立的某些业务, private and/or corporate businesses may not use university trademarks in their business name.

对名称的任何和所有使用, I大学学生运动员和教练的号码和/或形象必须遵守I大学的政策和NCAA的规定. 问题应直接向国际田径联合会提出,国际田径联合会将酌情与国际田径联合会进行磋商.

伊利诺伊大学体育部可以选择在内部或通过教练拥有的独立公司举办教练训练营. As sport camps that are put on by the Athletic Coaches are not a part of U of I, a license agreement must be signed prior to the beginning of the camp season. This license outlines how the U of I trademarks may be used. 联系 伊利诺伊大学商标与许可 请求许可证.

Any special events featuring University trademarks, 包括NCAA锦标赛, 碗游戏, 系列的竞争, and single events follow the same guidelines as uses of other University trademarks. Depending on the special event, additional policies and guidelines may apply.

Any entity wishing to use the U of I fight song, “Go, 汪达尔人, Go” or other music recorded by the Vandal Marching Band, for commercial or other purposes must obtain permission through the UITL. Commercial uses are subject to licensing fees.




U of I reserves the right to disapprove any use of its trademarks, even if such use is not explicitly prohibited by this policy or these guidelines. In instances where there is uncertainty regarding the appropriate use of any Idaho trademarks, 商标与许可处处长将与大学传播与营销处处长和/或总法律顾问办公室协商.



莫斯科,ID 83843


电子邮件: ssilflow@ysjlp.com
